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Get an encore performance of Farscape: Behind the Scenes on the SCI FI Real G2 Channel, 10.4.99 - 10.8.99.

Revisit some of your favorite corners of the Uncharted Territories each Friday until the thrilling four episode season finale in January.

Our journeys continue with Till The Blood Runs Clear, 10.8.99.

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Moya and I had been captives for far too many cycles. The Peacekeepers had harnessed Moya with a Control Collar and modified her into a prison transport. But its last three prisoners -- Luxan warrior Ka D'Argo, Delvian priest Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan, and deposed Dominar of the Hynerian Empire Rygel the Sixteenth -- managed to escape their cells and take over Moya. Of course, the Peacekeepers sent many Prowlers -- their attack fighters -- after Moya, but D'Argo and Zhaan managed to release Moya's Control Collar so we could Starburst to safety before the Prowlers could destroy us.

During our escape, we found ourselves with two unwitting passengers. One is Officer Aeryn Sun, a Peacekeeper captured during the battle. The other is John Crichton, of an unknown species called "human," whose small, primitive spacecraft arrived mysteriously in mid-battle; he claims a mysterious "wormhole" phenomenon brought him here from his home planet.

To flee from the Prowlers, we had to Starburst before Moya was quite ready... and I'm sorry to say I lost track of our position. We came out of Starburst somewhere in the [ PROMOTIONAL VIDEO CLIP ] Uncharted Territories and we're still trying to determine a way back.

We did, however, manage to locate a Commerce Planet where we could obtain supplies to repair Moya's battle damage. But we quickly discovered that Captain Bialar Crais had taken his Peacekeeper Command Carrier into the Uncharted Territories to recapture Moya -- and to exact revenge upon Crichton for accidentally causing the death of Crais's brother during the chaos of the battle. Crais, in a confrontation with Crichton, D'Argo, and Officer Sun on the Commerce Planet, also pronounced Officer Sun "irreversibly contaminated" by her extended contact with the alien prisoners and condemned her to death along with Crichton and the others.

Crichton, D'Argo, and Officer Sun evaded capture and returned to Moya. But before we could Starburst again, we found ourselves facing the Command Carrier's deadly Frag Cannons with not even a Defense Screen to protect us...

Guest Cast

Kent McCord..............Jack Crichton
Murray Bartlett..........DK
Christine Stephen-Daly...Lt. Teeg
Damen Stephenson.........Bio Isolation Man #1
Colin Borgonon...........PK Weapons Officer

Writer...................Rockne S. O'Bannon
Director.................Andrew Prouse